Now That Would Be A Torturous Vacation

This evening, as we were discussing a possible summer beach vacation, my husband announced that he would like to try parasailing.

Now, last summer, when we spent a week at the beach, the very idea of parasailing was met with much resistance and hand-wringing and whining and crying on the part of our son, Snags. He wasn’t the one who would have been doing the parasailing, mind you, but he feared for his father’s life. And so, to end the cries of certain doom and bring the fear of his father’s death down to a more respectable level, my husband chose not to go parasailing after all. This year, he just might.

I held my breath at this most recent announcement, expecting my son to start arguing against such a dangerous activity. Instead, he responded with:

“Oh yeah, I’d like to try water boarding!”



WHA?????? (And for the record, let me just say that I have absolutely no idea where he heard the term water boarding!)

Doubled over in laughter my husband asked, “Do you mean boogie boarding?”

“No.” Snags said. “I can’t remember the name of it…”

“Water SKIING?” I suggested.

“No. That’s not it either.” Snags replied.

“WAKE boarding?” My husband offered.

“Yeah! That’s it! Wake boarding!” Snags said, all smiles.

“I don’t know if you can go wake boarding, bud, but you know, they might have a nice dolphin watching cruise you could go on.” My husband said. “Maybe you can do that.”

So, the parasailing might be in. The water boarding is definitely out. And the dolphin watching cruise is open to debate. Which, I think, is just as well.


Filed under funny, Snags, vacation

2 responses to “Now That Would Be A Torturous Vacation

  1. Snags' Dad

    sigh…I love your writing…and you and Snags.

  2. oooooo sounds like he is getting a bit adventurous. 🙂

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