Monthly Archives: June 2010

Off and Running…

Hi there! It’s me again. I have a new thing going. I’ve got a new blog set up, Running With Photos, where I will post pictures of things I see while I’m out running.

“Running?” You ask.

Why yes. This blog, here, the one you are reading, RIGHT NOT, is called, as you know, Running With Books. Because I like running, and I like books (although I realize I’ve written very little (ahem, mostly NOTHING, about either of those topics here). And anyway, now, I’m kind of in love with my Kindle. Picking up a real book seems, oh, I don’t know, like cheating or something. (Rest assured real books, I will hold you again when I go to the beach, because I don’t want sand grains to ruin my beloved Kindle! In the mean time, stay on the shelves, I’ll see you soon!).

Okay, back to running. I run. Not fast, but fairly long. I like half-marathon distance races, and I’m (gulp!) training for a full marathon, coming up this fall. I’m training now, for the race that’s in the fall (in case that wasn’t clear). My goal there, for that race, is simply this: to NOT DIE. We’ll see…

Anyway, when I run outdoors (because a lot of time I’m on the treadmill), I take pictures with my camera phone. I decided to start a new blog where I will post those photos. Mostly of stuff I see on the roads or trails where I run. Maybe, sometimes, of my treadmill (yeah, won’t that be exciting!)

Look, I’m no professional photographer. I’m no elite runner either (I know this because someone scoffed at my most recent half-marathon time and said “That’s not marathon time… those guys finish a full marathon in that time…” Okay, whatever. And gosh, thanks for the compliment…

So the photos will be from my camera phone and you can find them, a new one approximately once a week, here.

I do hope you’ll stop by!

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